Options 1 & 2: If you're short on time, you can simply commit to reading ten short stories by ten different authors over the course of 2010. If you're relatively new to reading short stories, any ten will do. If you’ve already got a lot of short stories under your belt, make it ten short stories by ten writers whose work you have not yet read. How about that—a year long challenge that you could conceivably complete in the course of a day! Of course, I would encourage you not to do that but rather to heed the words of Mavis Gallant, short story writer extraordinaire, who advises:
Stories are not chapters of novels. They should not be read one after another, as if they were meant to follow along. Read one. Shut the book. Read something else. Come back later. Stories can wait.
I am going to choose option 2. Aside from some Stephen King short stories when I was a teenager, I haven't read many short stories in the last 20
Anyhow, I am definitely a novice, so anything I can manage to get read and keep down will be good. ;-) I'll be lucky if I can get my hands on one or two books of short stories this year.
1. The Mist - Stephen King 1/23/10
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