My Friend Amy is hosting the Buy One Book and Read it 2010 Challenge.
Buy One Book and Read It was started when I realized over 50% of Americans had not read a single book in a year. This is the most disturbing news possible to a book lover like myself, so I wanted to encourage an easy fun way to make sure people read a book in a year!
And it's back! With options!
This year there are three levels of participation:
Level One!
Buy one book and read it before December 31st, 2010.
Level Two!
Buy six books and read them before December 31st, 2010.
Level Three!
Buy 12 books and read them before December 31st, 2010.
To add a little twist to this year's challenge you are encouraged to choose one of the following options to add to your level.
Indie Option--Make sure the book or books you buy are purchased at an independent bookstore.
Book Blogger Option--Buy only books you learn about on book blogs.
That's it! If you'd like to join, just add your link to the Mister linky with your level and options in parentheses. On January 1st, I'll put up a linky for reviews.
I am signing up for Level Two and I'm going to make it half Indie Option, so 3 (or more) of the 6 books purchased I will purchase at an independent bookstore. We have two little ones in our town "Red Fox Books" and a children's book store "The Dog Ate My Homework" so I will be glad to do some shopping with them this year. I've really gotten away from bookstores since purchasing my Kindle this past February and I miss them. But my bookshelves were groaning for relief and I really didn't have room to purchase another one. I currently have 6 bookcases that are filled to capacity and more and more boxes of books residing in my Mom's shed! So the Kindle was a welcome addition to my home. I'm looking forward to getting out shopping!
Level Two
1. Homebuyer's Beware: Who's Ripping You Off Now? - Carolyn Warren 1/17/10
2. Ron Jeremy: The Hardest (Working) Man in Showbiz - Ron Jeremy 1/17/10