A - Agatha Raisin & the Witch of Wyckhadden - M.C. Beaton 2/11/09
B - Breaking Dawn - Stephenie Meyer 12/8/09
B - Breaking Dawn - Stephenie Meyer 12/8/09
C - Christmas Cookie Murder - Leslie Meier 1/27/09
D - Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World - Vicki Myron & Bret Witter 9/15/09
D - Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World - Vicki Myron & Bret Witter 9/15/09
E - Eclipse - Stephenie Meyer 10/31/09
F - Frankly My Dear, I'm Dead - Livia J. Washburn 6/7/09
G - Graveyard Book, The - Neil Gaiman 8/4/09
H - Heartbeat - Sharon Creech 9/4/09
I - If You're Reading This, It's Too Late - Pseudonymous Bosch 7/21/09
J - Junie B. Jones and the Yucky Blucky Fruitcake - Barbara Park 8/16/09
K - Killer Cruise - Laura Levine 7/16/09
L - Love That Dog - Sharon Creech 9/1/09
M - Multiple Bles8ings: Surving to Thriving with Twins & Sextuplets - Jon & Kate Gosselin 6/09
N - New Moon - Stephenie Meyer 1/28/09
O - On Strike for Christmas 10/25/09
P - Plum Spooky - Janet Evanovich 8/14/09
Q - Q & A (Slumdog Millionaire) - Vikas Swarup 8/9/09
R - Ruby Holler - Sharon Creech 8/31/09
S - Stuff White People Like - Christian Lander 2/25/09
T - Tell Me Where It Hurts - Dr. Nick Trout 1/28/09
U - UR - Stephen King 2/26/09
V - Valentine for Ms. Vanilla, A - Pictures by Martha Gradisher 1/9/09
W - Who Ordered This Baby? Definitely Not Me! - Henry Winkler & Lin Oliver 11/25/09
Y - Yellow-Lighted Bookshop, The - Lewis Buzbee 2/16/10
Z - Zoe Rising - Pam Conrad 2/25/09
B - Beaton, M.C. - Agatha Raisin & the Wizard of Evesham 1/12/09
C - Conrad, Pam - Stonewords: A Ghost Story 1/27/09
D - DiCamillo, Kate - The Tale of Despereaux 2/10/09
E - Evanovich, Janet - Visions of Sugar Plums 8/17/09
F - Frischmann, Carol - Conures 2/24/09
G - Grace, Margaret - Mayhem in Miniature 4/22/09
H - Harris, Charlaine - Dead Until Dark 9/29/09
I - Irving, Washington - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 11/27/09
J - Joosse, Barbara M. - Dead Guys Talk 11/9/09
K - Kelley, Emily - Christmas Around the World 11/7/09
L - Lee, Quinlan B. - Dora the Explorer: Dance with Dora 1/09
M - Meyer, Stephenie - Twilight 1/13/09
N - Niles, Steve & Sala, Richard - Little Book of Horror: Dracula 1/11/09
O - Ogburn, Jacqueline K. - The Bake Shop Ghost 10/27/09
P - Park, Barbara - Junie B. Jones Has A Monster Under Her Bed 8/17/09
R - Rowling, J.K. - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 10/8/09
S - Shannon, David - David Gets in Trouble 1/09
V - Vincent, Ali - Believe It, Be It: How Being the Biggest Loser Won Me Back My Life 6/10/10
W - Winkler, Henry & Oliver, Lin - Hank Zipzer: A Tale of Two Tails 11/5/09
Y - Young, Wm. Paul - The Shack 3/2/09
Z - Zappa, Ahmet - The Monstrous Memoirs of a Mighty McFearless 12/12/09